Monday, October 26, 2009

An idea!

i have an idea..

ok im not a really active baker but i love to bake! if u are in Singapore and u love to bake too.. why dont we just be friend and share pans?? dont think its a good idea?? Im staying at Boonlay...of cos i will lend u mine too.. i just purchase cheese cake pans cost me $9.90..its not big amount..but im sure i will use it once or twice in half year?? or maybe a year? what a waste.. :(

its just an idea that cross in my mind.. :)

maybe u can email me/post a comment..! (i dont expect it will be good respond)


  1. Lin, loyang cheesecakenya yg kek mana?? merknya wilton punya apa bukan?? mau dong dikirimin foto loyangnya... loyang bongpas ya?? thanks

  2. ya mbak.. loyang bongkar pasang.. bukan merek wilton.. tapi yg biasa 7".. bentuk nya persegi, bawah nya bisa dibuka...
    mbak.. wilton colouring nya aku uda beli.. ;)
